Celebrate Summer Solstice
We are sparked to take action, to move, to go, to do. Blossom, activate, be drawn into your fullness. Animate your dharma. Amplify your calling. It's time to catch those vibrant summer vibes with these 7 meaningful ways to Harness the Vibrant Energy of Summer and Live in full color.

The Breath Revolution:
Take a deep inhale, exhale stress! Our breath is intricately connected to our thoughts and emotions. Just think about it: when we're anxious, our breath quickens, our heart races, and our body tenses up. It's like a never-ending cycle! But here's the good news: by practicing breath awareness, we can break free from this cycle and restore balance.

Discover the Science Behind Why Yoga Works...
Discover the Science Behind Yoga's Magic! Have you ever wondered why yoga works wonders for your well-being? It's all about the incredible power of our ancient brain and its evolutionary response.

Cultivating a Culture of Belonging: Vulnerability, Empathy, and Compassion.
We are called to a social sadhana. An ego-transcending practice of reconnecting to our collective humanity. In this hyperactive culture, we live saturated by opinion over fact, story over truth, and distraction over clarity. We are under the influence of a cult of personality. Transcending our ego requires standing with our own pain to cultivate empathy. It entails learning to be consciously present for our own stories, behaviors, and patterns allowing us to access compassion. And asks for full vulnerability— the courage to share who we are with nothing to hide, deny, or perfect.

Understanding Loneliness: Unraveling the complexities of connection.
Extensive research has revealed the impact of loneliness on our physical well-being, with conditions ranging from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes and dementia - with half of our country feeling its effects. To get to the heart of the matter, we have to fully understand the cycle of loneliness, as it transitions from disconnection to isolation. And uncover our own sense of belonging and the damaging pressures of fitting in.

The epidemic of loneliness.
In 2014, Dr. Vivek Murthy embarked on a remarkable journey of research and empathy. The mission of his cross-country listening tour was to hear firsthand the pressing health concerns that plagued America. He was surprised by his findings. In city after city, the commonality in the stories shared was that people were drowning in loneliness and isolation.