When hoping for change isn't enough.

We need hope in our heart AND fire in our belly…

We all remember Shepard Fairey's iconic 2008 campaign poster.  A pensive Obama with "Hope" embolden across the bottom.  For many of us, it lit an inspiration that had been missing from our patriotism for so long. You could feel the change bubbling up and resting in your heart. It was an activating love of country, a love of us. In those moments many activists were born. We were becoming the change we longed to be. 

At times I fall into idleness, strong in the heart, but weak in the belly. I have to remind myself in the world and my life, hope is not enough to create change. Now more than ever complacency is costly. We hold hope for something because we want circumstances to be different than they are.  I have to ask myself, specifically, what do I want to be different? Explore my motivation and connect to the fire. What will the desired outcome give me? Envision fulfillment, imagine all the benefits of change. Without any clear understanding of the motivation, hope becomes a powerless wish. 

The difference between wish and hope.

It's important to distinguish when we are languishing in our dreamy wishes.  Wishes put power outside ourselves as we wait for something to come to us. Yet in order to envision what we deeply want, first we must wish. The optimism of this heartfelt wish initiates the energy of hope. It’s the first step, but to actually make change, we have to let our optimism and motivation yield action. 

Kindle the fire and feed your flame.

We are taught from birth that external forces have influence and power over our lives. First our parents, then on to teachers and bosses. Experiencing daily that authority lies outside of our own free will. As a child, our safety and survival relies on others. Yet, at some point, only we know what is best for our lives. We just have to relearn to trust our own agency. 

Closing the gap between what you hope for and what you achieve is a powerful transformation needing clarity, focus, action. The desire for your dreams and goals has to be stronger than any pitfalls; clearly knowing where to direct your intention, being able to sustain a focus more vigilant than any distraction, and taking a will-powered action. The more we feed the flame with our accomplishments the stronger we stand in our will power. 

Power: clarity and choice.

If your will is weak, you may amble through life unsure and unclear of what you want. Without knowing a direction and intention, you become vulnerable to outside influence. Not choosing is a choice to let something or someone choose for you.

In choice you take the opportunity to align with your intentions, vision, and purpose.  With clarity you become a wholehearted creator contributing to the outcome without hesitation. Stand firm in the power of clarity and choice. 

Fine tune: focus to burn through obstacles.

When we set a goal, progress is hindered by a million different distractions. There are some tasks that contribute to our accomplishing goals that may not be the easiest or most exciting. Something else inevitably seems more interesting, so we abandon the lackluster task for something else. When we ignite our willpower, it is stronger than any obstacle.  The fire keeps us active and moving in the direction of our intention. 

It has to be able to burn through any resistance and strengthen our capacity of persistence. We become less vulnerable to the pitfall of hopelessness. If at times we hold hope for something that doesn't come to be, we are able to push forward to the next thing. Remembering that even if we didn't get the outcome we expected, a lesson was gained for future successes.

Take action: Be wise with your words. Banish your excuses.

Our inner critic can get loud when we move in the direction of our dreams. We begin a myriad of excuses of why someone else could do it better. We tell ourselves that we don't have enough time, money, skill, and so on. These beliefs bind us to our limits. When you believe "you have no power" it becomes your reality.

Be wise with your words. The words you use have a significant impact on how you feel. Instead of saying you "have to"  or "I'll try to" do something, choose words that empower. "I choose to",  and "I will" are much more activating. Even "I want to" puts you back in the driver's seat.

The dance of Reception & Creation:

In a dance between reception and creation, a dynamic balance keeps you in the flow as you navigate the way forward. In reception, we allow ourselves time to open to a bigger vision.  We aren’t half-hearted in our wishes or torn between two decisions. Seeing, feeling, being clear in both our heart and mind together leaves less room for inner conflict. Our intentions are stronger and our commitment is fierce when our heart and mind are in harmony. 

From our vision,  we decide on a specific goal that keeps us anchored in reality. Then, brainstorm all the pathways to get to the goal. Strategizing puts us back in our power. Declare what you want, develop a plan, and move forward. We find our path of purpose, moving from reception to creation.

Change is a process requiring fiery energy; pushing beyond thresholds, burning through obstacles, and breaking through limitations. If smoldering it must be stoked. When the wish of the heart melts with the power of will, passion sparks. We alchemize our passions into purpose and connect to our driving force. Hope becomes kinetic. There is action and movement.


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